Scientific journal “Transactions of Academenergo”

Editor– in – Chief- prof. Ch. Boyadjiev, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Institute of Chemical Engineering
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sophia, Bulgaria)

the list of HAC (Russian)


Peer reviewed


Impact Factor (RSCI)


Scientific journal “Transactions of Academenergo” printed original articles which are presently not under consideration for publication in another journal and not published previously.

Article can be published under the heading:

  • heat-and-power engineering fundamentals
  • industrial heat-and-power engineering
  • power generation stations
  • power-and-mechanical engineering
  • economics, ecology, innovative technologies and processes in power engineering

Scientific journal “Transactions of Academenergo” is included into the list of editions recommended by Higher Attestation Commission for publication of papers for Ph.D and Doctoral theses for the following sciences and specialties:

01.00.00 Physics and mathematics– 01.02.00  Mechanics
– 01.04.00  Physics
05.00.00 Technical science– 05.14.00  Power Engineering

– 05.17.00 Chemical Engineering

Established by the decision of the Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KazanSC of RAS) and supported by the Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes department of RAS.

The first issue of the scientific journal “Proceedings Academenergo” was released in 2005 year.

Periodicity of publication: 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December).

Full Length Articles by

Once a year the issue of the scientific journal “Transactions of Academenergo” is published entirely in English language.

The Editorial Board invites the authors of original papers for publication in the scientific journal “Transactions Academenergo”

The only criterion for publication in Transactions of Academenergo is scientific quality of articles.
No fees are charged for publication.


420111, Lobachevsky str. 2/31, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, Post office box 261, zip code 420111
Ph.D Kislova Svetlana Yur’yevna
tel./fax: (843) 231-90-71

Head of the publishing department:

Ph.D Kislova Svetlana Yur’yevna
tel./fax: (843) 231-90-71


ISSN 2070-4755
ПИ №ФС77-25823 от 28.09.2006