- Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V., Tartygasheva A.M. Loading history effect on creep-fatigue crack growth in pipe bend // International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2016, vol. 139–140, pp. 86–95.
- Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Zakharov A.P., Gerasimenko A.A. Surface flaw behavior under tension, bending and biaxial cyclic loading // International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, vol. 92, part 2, p. 557–576
- Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Yarullin R.R. Structural integrity assessment of turbine disk on a plastic stress intensity factor basis // International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, vol. 92, part 1, p. 234–245
- Muñiz-Calvente M., Ramos A., Shlyannikov V., Lamela M.J., Fernández-Canteli A. Hazard maps and global probability as a way to transfer standard fracture results to reliable design of real components // Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, vol. 69, p. 135–146.
- Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Yarullin R.R. A plastic stress intensity factor approach to turbine disk structural integrity assessment // Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2016, vol. 37, p. 193-199
- Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Zakharov A.P., Gerasimenko A.A. Surface crack growth subject to bending and biaxial tension-compression // Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2016, vol.35, p.257-267
- Yarullin R., Ishtyryakov I. Fatigue surface crack growth in aluminum alloys under different temperatures // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 199–206
- Shlyannikov V.N. Nonlinear stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics and their applications // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 744-752.
- Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Lyagova A. Surface and through thickness crack growth in cruciform specimens subjected to biaxial loading // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 3248-3255.
- Muniz-Calvente M., Shlyannikov V., Meshii T., Fernández-Canteli A. Joint evaluation of fracture and fatigue results from distinct test conditions, implying loading, specimen size and geometry // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 720-727.
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- Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V. Surface crack growth rate under tension and bending in aluminum alloys and steel // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 5–12
- Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V. Crack growth resistance characteristics determination algorithm for creep-fatigue interaction // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 29–36
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