1. Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V., Tartygasheva A.M. Loading history effect on creep-fatigue crack growth in pipe bend // International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2016, vol. 139–140, pp. 86–95.


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Zakharov A.P., Gerasimenko A.A. Surface flaw behavior under tension, bending and biaxial cyclic loading // International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, vol. 92, part 2, p. 557–576


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Yarullin R.R. Structural integrity assessment of turbine disk on a plastic stress intensity factor basis // International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, vol. 92, part 1, p. 234–245


  1. Muñiz-Calvente M., Ramos A., Shlyannikov V., Lamela M.J., Fernández-Canteli A. Hazard maps and global probability as a way to transfer standard fracture results to reliable design of real components // Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, vol. 69, p. 135–146.


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Yarullin R.R. A plastic stress intensity factor approach to turbine disk structural integrity assessment // Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2016, vol. 37, p. 193-199


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Zakharov A.P., Gerasimenko A.A. Surface crack growth subject to bending and biaxial tension-compression // Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2016, vol.35, p.257-267


  1. Yarullin R., Ishtyryakov I. Fatigue surface crack growth in aluminum alloys under different temperatures // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 199–206


  1. Shlyannikov V.N. Nonlinear stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics and their applications // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 744-752.


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Zakharov A.P., Lyagova A. Surface and through thickness crack growth in cruciform specimens subjected to biaxial loading // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 3248-3255.


  1. Muniz-Calvente M., Shlyannikov V., Meshii T., Fernández-Canteli A. Joint evaluation of fracture and fatigue results from distinct test conditions, implying loading, specimen size and geometry // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol.2, p. 720-727.


  1. Citarella R., Sepe R., Giannella V., Ishtyryakov I. Multiaxial fatigue crack propagation of an edge crack in a cylindrical specimen undergoing combined tension-torsion loading // Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, vol. 2, p. 2706-2717.


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V. Surface crack growth rate under tension and bending in aluminum alloys and steel // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 5–12


  1. Shlyannikov V.N., Tumanov A.V., Boychenko N.V. Crack growth resistance characteristics determination algorithm for creep-fatigue interaction // Procedia Engineering, 2016, vol. 160, p. 29–36


  1. Шлянников В.Н., Яруллин Р.Р., Захаров А.П. Оценка влияния защитных покрытий на характеристики сопротивления деформированию и разрушению материала лопаток паровых турбин // Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2016, т. 82. № 3. с. 53-59.


  1. Шлянников В.Н., Яруллин Р.Р., Иштыряков И.С. Развитие поверхностных трещин в полых цилиндрических образцах при комбинированном циклическом нагружении // Заводская лаборатория, 2016, том 82, №8, с. 47-54.


  1. Шлянников В.Н., Иштыряков И.С., Яруллин Р.Р. Эффекты перераспределения напряжений в полом цилиндре при внутреннем давлении // Труды Академэнерго №1, 2016, c. 117-127
